Organize 365® Podcast

I have always wanted to record a podcast about what I am saying “Yes!” to and what I am saying “No!” to. Today, I am sharing my YES! list. 

What I realized people are doing when they share these kinds of lists are actually different ways of thinking about how you are using your time. For me, the “no list” is about decluttering my decision making stress and setting boundaries. On the other hand, my “yes” list is about supporting my priorities.

This week, I will be sharing my “yes” list for the next of my New Year’s - the Summer (May to August). The things on my “yes” list will not get my complete focus, but I will be finding extra pockets of time to use for these things.

This Summer, I am saying YES! to:

  1. Traveling safely in the US! I have been home for the entire pandemic, and I am ready to travel. I’m fully vaccinated. I will be following the most current CDC recommendations during my travel. But, my big news is that I am preparing for a book tour! I’ll be touring my newest book Organization is a Learnable Skill from July 8 to August 10th.
  2. My kids’ requests for my time! As I said last week, I will be focusing on getting my kids to do more of their own #adulting responsibilities. However, any requests to just spend time together will be met with a YES! from me. 
  3. Makeup, fun hair, beauty routines, and enjoying a corporate casual look! I have been having a lot of fun trying out new makeup, a new curling iron, playing with my hair and makeup, and working on my wardrobe. I don’t own yoga pants or sweatpants. We have the freedom to choose what looks good on our bodies and works best for our current life stage. 
  4. Making our home a place we love to be! Greg and I are doubling down on optimizing our home. We want it to be a place we love to be, function well for us, upgrade anything we can, and to make it work for everyone who lives there. I encourage you to do the same for your home - no matter what budget you are working with.

I hope that my “yes” and “no” lists help you to figure out if there are any things for your Summer that you want to firmly establish as a yes or a no for you right now.

Direct download: Org365-402.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

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Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!


This week, I share my conversation with Cailla M. She lives with her husband, daughter, and a cat. She shares her story of facing some very difficult events in 2020, both as a teacher and in some health challenges for her husband. Despite all she went through, Cailla shares how she has been able to change her mindset, her self-talk, and her home to better care for her family and herself. I hope you find her story as inspiring as I do! 


I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links:

Organize 365

The Sunday Basket®

100 Day Home Organization Program



Paper Organizing Retreats

I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

Direct download: Org365-CaillaM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

I have always wanted to record a podcast about what I am saying “Yes!” to and what I am saying “No!” to. Today, I am sharing my no list. 

What I realized people are doing when they share these kinds of lists are actually different ways of thinking about how you are using your time. It’s not necessarily calling different things good and bad. It’s about prioritizing (what things get your yes) and decluttering and setting better boundaries (what things get your no).

Over the next 100 Day cycle, I will be saying no to four main things. Different times of year call for attention to different kinds of tasks and areas of focus. When you make a yes or no list, you are creating a rule that helps you spend less energy making decisions. These rules can be for your next of the Lisa’s New Years, or it can be permanent. You get to choose. 

Listen in and I’ll explain why I am saying no to these things. This list helps me declutter activities that are taking time on my mind and in my schedule. These are either things on my calendar or a mindset I am letting go. I am decluttering these things - at least for now. 

  1. Perfectionism
  2. Diet ideas
  3. Working in the evening
  4. Doing things for my kids
Direct download: Org365-400.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!


This week, I share my conversation with Jordan B. She lives with her husband and two teenage sons. Jordan started with her Sunday Basket®. After doing the 100 Day Program, she finds it much easier to have guests over without stress. I hope you find her story as inspiring as I do! 


I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links:

Organize 365

The Sunday Basket®

100 Day Home Organization Program



Paper Organizing Retreats

I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

Direct download: Org365-JordanB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

I am super excited today to introduce you to Jay Papasan. He is the co-author of The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results with Gary Keller. Jay is a best selling author and executive at Keller Williams Realty. 

I quote the ONE Thing mantra regularly - What’s the ONE Thing I can do such that by doing it

everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”  Clarifying our number one priority ensures that we make great decisions. We know what to say yes to; and then say no to everything else. 

Jay and I explore the origins of the ONE Thing question, and how I have applied it to my life and business. My understanding of the ONE Thing has grown over time and can be applied in any arena at different levels at different times in our lives. Jay shares how you can use this ONE Thing question to figure out what to do today, and in life. He graciously explains what his own lifetime ONE Thing is in his own life. 

There are limitless possibilities for how we can use our time, so the ONE Thing question can break down your choices so you can clarify what makes the biggest impact for you. Making decisions proactively ensures a better investment of your hours and your minutes so that you have fewer regrets. Time is not renewable. It is a precious resource and who you give it to matters greatly. 

Jay also gives some great guidance on how our habits decide our futures. He shares his ideas about making rules for how you choose to spend your time. Listen in for his amazing advice! He explains how he balances openness to new people with those he already has decided are the most important. 

Jay also teaches us about how to best set goals and the secret to improving our chances of achieving them. He talks about accountability and how to set the steps to stay on track to reach our goals. Systematically working backwards from the goal helps to create a straight line of actions that will move the needle and he shares how to set up a system. This is a proven process that naturally narrows our focus on key goals. 

Perfection is overrated. Let’s make progress.

Follow Jay and learn more at

Direct download: Org365-398.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

This week, I share my conversation with Amber Z. She lives with her husband and four kids. She’s been working on the 100 Day Program since 2018 and shares about her progress (but not perfection!).I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I do! 

I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links:

Organize 365

The Sunday Basket®

100 Day Home Organization Program



Paper Organizing Retreats

I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

Direct download: Org365-AmberZ.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

This is part four of a four part podcast series on discovering YOU. This week, I will be talking with you about how to curate your life with Gail Golden. Gail is a management psychologist who helps businesses build better leaders. She helps to create powerful interventions and boost the bottom line. 

So far, you have learned how you think and get something done. You now also know how to follow your energy and trust your intuition. Then, we covered how to create and trust your plan - for a day, a week, or a season

I invited Gail to the podcast this week to share knowledge from her new book Curating Your Life: Ending the Struggle for Work-Life Balance.

I want to introduce her to the Organize 365 audience. We are all on a journey from a reactive to a productive life. Everything we organize gives us more time, and some women now have 12-15 hours a week and are wondering “now what?”

Gail shares how she has figured out what she is doing next, and how she is curating her next season of life. 

Gail recommends The Power of Full Engagement. She shares how instead of asking “Do I have time for that?” she asks herself “Do I want to spend energy on that?” For Gail, the management of energy is how she makes decisions about how to spend her time and her life. 

Gail shares how many of her clients feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and inadequate most of the time. She also noticed that people never seemed to develop a work life balance - at least until they curated their life. There are things that matter, but are not important, so we can just do them good enough. This leaves energy left over for the things you want to be great at. 

Lisa and Gail talk about how to increase your energy, and even your energy capacity. Organizing your space means you don’t waste energy looking for things. Knowing yourself and awareness of your energy means you can manage your energy by selecting environments that give us energy. Also - sleep, water, healthy diet, and regular breaks can all contribute to our optimum energy levels. No matter what we do - our energy capacity is finite. This means, we still need to make decisions about how to spend our energy. 

They also talk about mid-life re-curating. Sometimes life happens to you and something changes (divorce, COVID, job loss). Other times, we have changed and we recognize that we need something different in our lives and we elect to re-curate and make choices about our next steps in life. The theme of re-curating honors that our earlier choices were right for us at the time, but do not have to be followed forever. 

Gail also gifts us by exposing the “obnoxious roommate” in our heads that speaks against every decision we make. You know that voice! If you stay home with your family, the voice asks why you are not at work. If you stay home, the voice asks why you “wasted” college or are not contributing more to the world. Gail calls that roommate out, and gives advice for talking back to that cruel voice and ensuring that our decisions about what to curate reflect what is best for us. 

Gail also shares some incredible insights on how we live out our curation as social creatures. When we curate our lives, we do so in the context of many relationships. Listen in for her amazing explanation of how to balance individual needs with those you love. 

We finish up by talking about how to manage our energy as we begin to re-enter the world after COVID. Gail gives some great questions for each of us to consider as we figure out what things to reincorporate into our lives, and what things are no longer best for us and can be left in the past. Listen in and see what you are called to curate in your life. 

Direct download: Org365-396.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

This week, I share my conversation with Kristin B. She lives with her spouse and her daughter. Her transformational journey has had some major ups and downs! I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I do! 

I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links:

Organize 365

The Sunday Basket®

100 Day Home Organization Program



Paper Organizing Retreats

I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!


Direct download: Org365-KristinB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

This is part three of a four part podcast series on discovering YOU. This week, I will be talking with you about how to create and trust your plan. I want to help you discover how you might be able to change your future. 

So far, you have learned how you think and get something done. You now also know how to follow your energy and trust your intuition. Now, I want you to see how to create and trust your plan - for a day, a week, or a season. These plans are not for the rest of your life, they are to make specific progress on a goal, right now. 

Planning is the antidote to decision fatigue. The thing that drains my energy faster than anything else is to make a bunch of decisions. The more rules you can create, the less decisions you will have to make, so the more brain power and energy you have to do what is more important.

Think about something you have to decide all of the time (like what’s for dinner) - make a rule! Taco Tuesday is a classic for a reason. It’s a easy rule. It might be boring, but it saves me time, energy, and frustration to make this a rule. This is a proactive solution to decisions and helps to reduce decision fatigue. 

Decision fatigue is only combated when you take responsibility and ownership of the questions and decisions that are being requested of you. Create rules, and eliminate the questions. 

In this season, it is easier for me to make a set plan and know what it is going to be rather than arguing about whether or not I should be in charge of these decisions.

Planning allows you more energy, more bandwidth, more time for the things you want to do more of in your life. 

Think about one thing you want to achieve. Identify one goal. What is the sprint? What is the timeframe for that goal? Start thinking about making a plan for that goal. Are there any rules related to that plan that will make it easier for you to create a habit? What time of day will you have energy to pursue this goal? 

Setting and achieving goals is the way you change your future. Creating an action plan and then trusting (and following) your plan is how you make progress. When you set aside the time, you will get to your goal, and see your new life. 

I hope you discover something about yourself in this podcast, and I’d love to hear all about it on Facebook or Instagram!

Direct download: Org365-394.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT