Organize 365® Podcast

Today on the podcast, I want to help you with the skills it takes to change your thinking. In the eight years of Organize 365, I have learned so much about the MINDSET of organization. The transformation from disorganization to organization happens first in your mind. The way you actually become organized is to change your thoughts. 

First, you have to believe you are capable of becoming organized. Spoiler: organization is a learnable skill, and anyone can learn to become organized (it just takes longer for some of us!). Every single person listening to this podcast is capable of having an organized life. But, the skills needed can be different depending on your phase of life and generation. I want you to have new thoughts and see just how capable of being organized you truly are. 

Second, you need confidence in your skills and your organizational journey. This podcast is designed to give you confidence each and every week. I am a motivational teacher, I want to inspire you to action. From listening to the podcast, your thoughts become organized and your physical reality follows - you will see the changes in your home and that will build your confidence.

Finally - action is the outcome. Once you have the capability and confidence to pursue organization, you will take the action necessary to manifest an organized life. In the podcast today, I explain all of this in more detail, and then give you several examples of how you develop capability and grow your confidence and move into action in all different kinds of life experiences.

I hope this podcast continues to provide the instruction you need to keep moving along your transformational journey. 

PS - Are you ready to take the first step? Everyone needs to start with the Sunday Basket ®. That will give you the foundation you need to manage your most basic organization needs and starts your mind on learning the skills of being organized. 

If you have your Sunday Basket ® system in place (and you are using it!), join us for the next round of the 100 Day Home Organization Program. We begin again on Monday January 6th. It’s not too late and we’d love to have you join us in this lifetime membership program!

Direct download: Org365-315.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Welcome to our newest Wednesday Transformational Journey Podcast. I wanted to give each of you a gift this week to celebrate the Christmas holiday. My special little Christmas gift to you is my conversation with my younger sister Emily. Emily is our Director of Marketing and has been a huge asset to our Dream Team.

In today’s conversation, Emily shares her 10 year challenge. We are going to look at the last 10 years, and 10 years ago with the last Christmas we got to share with our Dad before he passed away. Emily still lives in our hometown, and is 10 minutes from our childhood home. Our parents divorced later in life, and along with the 2008/2009 economy definitely left her with some challenges. Emily lost her job, is a single woman with a mortgage, and almost lost her home. 

Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links:

Organize 365

The Sunday Basket

100 Day Home Organization Program



Paper Organizing Retreats

I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!


Direct download: Org365-EmilyK.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Today on the podcast, I want to talk to you about why you are not as disorganized as you think you are. There are three things going on:

  1. You are overwhelmed.
  2. You don’t know where to start. 
  3. You don’t recognize the progress you are making.

I break down each of these and help you analyze them. I walk you through your thoughts and to find solutions for these issues. I want you to see where you are having success being organized, and I give you ways to get better at the other parts. Listen in to see how you can keep working on your organizational journey.

PS - If you want to try the 100 Day Home Organization Program before you buy, we have a FREE WEEK you can do as a trial. We give you access to the Laundry Room week videos, website pages, and printables from the planner.

Direct download: Org365-314.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

Today, you will get to hear from a member of the Organize 365 Dream Team. Michelle P is our customer service specialist. She is the person who answers your emails, helps you find the right place to start getting organized, and manages our Organize 365 Facebook Group. Michelle is single, and lives with her mother in Boston. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! 

I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links:

Organize 365

The Sunday Basket

100 Day Home Organization Program



Paper Organizing Retreats

I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!


Direct download: Org365-MichelleP.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Today on the podcast, I ask an important question, and I share my answers. What are you tolerating? What are all the things in your life that are broken or need maintenance? What have you been meaning to fix or address that just has not made it to your priority list to get done?

Listen in as I share about four major life areas where you may be tolerating things that you can address. I share my own experiences and stories, and I provide some of the solutions I have found that work. 

-What are you tolerating in your physical space (your home)?

-What are you tolerating in your family dynamics?

-What are you tolerating in your emotional well being and relationships?

-What are you tolerating in your free time?

As we head into 2020, think about these areas of your life. If you find that you want to make changes, make a plan. Figure out what you want to be different, and begin to change your life. I am here to help, and would love to hear from you!

Direct download: Org365-313.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Direct download: Org365-242Th.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!


Today, Nancy A shares her journey of getting organized. Nancy and I go off script and skip most of the questions I usually ask the guests who share their transformations. Nancy was a client of mine back when I did in home professional organizing. We know each other well, so she has a very different perspective on the Lisa experience! I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! 


I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links:

Organize 365

The Sunday Basket

100 Day Home Organization Program



Paper Organizing Retreats

I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

Direct download: Org365-NancyA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

On the podcast today, I have the most interesting conversation with Eve Rodsky. We talk about the different tasks involved in running a home and keeping a family functioning. Eve spent several months capturing many of the tasks that people (women especially) take on in their families, and she focused on the ones that are especially invisible or “unnecessary.” 

Eve Rodsky has recently written a book (with a card game) that captures 100 tasks involved in running a home. Her book is called Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too Much to Do (and More Life to Live). She helps the adults in the house identify their values and to make sure that the division of labor works for them (and EVERY family needs to find their unique balance). 

When dividing up the tasks, Eve explains the different parts of “owning” the task from start to finish: conception, planning, and execution. Spoiler: this explains why your husband brings home the “wrong” mustard and feels like he “can’t get anything right.” There is a system to help build trust and skills to support the home and family. 

As part of these concepts, Eve also explains different models that women use to understand their roles and which tasks they should have ownership of in order to have a fair division of labor at home, especially when considering gender. Women can be Intentional Traditionalists, New Superwoman, Accidental Traditionalist, and The Collaborator. Make sure you listen in so you can evaluate where you are today, and where you would like to go. 

We also get to talk about how getting your home organized gives you more time, and how you then need to figure out what to do with your time. Having a disorganized home can really function as a buffer or form of procrastination to avoid facing the hard questions about what you are called to do in life. Eve talks about how our culture shows us how to get to and through our first child’s baby shower, but then leaves us to figure out the rest of life without signposts or milestones. We talk about how to stay interested in our own lives. We share our perspectives to figure out how to still have a passion and choose things that interest us and are interesting. 

I cannot do the work for you in understanding all the tasks of your home, or in having the difficult conversations with the people you love. However, I do want you to know that you have choices about how to divide the labor of your home. I want you to figure out your unique gift and contribution to the world. For extra fun, make sure you stick around to the end to hear about Eve’s thinking on unicorn space and how to find it with the help of their spiritual friends.

Direct download: Org365-312.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

Today, Maggie L shares her journey of getting organized. Maggie is the primary breadwinner while her husband stays at home with their two children (ages 9 and 4). Maggie shares how it took a long time to finally get started on her organizing journey. However, when her golden window showed up (after being let go from her job), she jumped in with both feet. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! 

I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links:

Organize 365

The Sunday Basket

100 Day Home Organization Program



Paper Organizing Retreats

I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

Direct download: Org365-MaggieL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT