Organize 365® Podcast

So… have you heard I have a traditionally published book scheduled to come out in August of 2020? I am planning a book tour to come see as many of you as possible. I want to go everywhere you are, and share hugs. I get to plan every day of this book tour, and I want to reach out to ask you to join in, help me, and celebrate with me. 

The book tour will kick off at Embrace (June 26-28, 2020, in West Chester, Ohio). I am already planning all kinds of surprises for you! 

I need your help in planning a year long Lisa Book Tour - September 2020 to May 2021 in the US. (For my international friends, the book is currently also scheduled to be published in Canada and the United Kingdom with details to come later. I am also hoping to come visit you!)

I want to learn about you and your hometown. If you are willing to help with ideas and connections for the book tour, here is my wish list:

  • Location - what is the best way to get to and around your hometown?
  • Book Signings - where can we get together to do a book signing?
  • Media Connections - please share any connections or recommendations for media (TV, radio, or print)
  • Speaking Events - please share any connections for conventions, events, or other opportunities where the Organize 365 message would be helpful
  • Corporate or Brand Connections - if there is a product or service that is headquartered in your hometown, I love to meet people in person and build community
  • YouTubers or Podcasters that share your home city 
  • Any other person, business, or community connection where the Organize 365 message would benefit the audience.  Especially if you can introduce or connect us

One of the things I am looking forward to about this trip is getting to see so many different parts of the United States. Every town and city will be different and I am excited to meet all of you and learning about the places you call home. I also want to keep making connections. No matter how far you have (or have not yet) gotten in your organizing journey, I’d love for you to connect me with other people where I can add value. 

Anytime you take on a big project like this or take action toward a dream, you do not have to know every step. You just have to know the first step. I have the book written and a publisher, so now the next step is to see how together we can share steps along our organizing journey.

Direct download: Org365-311.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! I love sharing these transformations women experience during their organizing journeys!
Today, Jessica E shares her journey of getting organized. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. Jessica is married with 4 kids and navigating the journey of getting educational needs diagnosed and addressed. She has been able to transform her home and family. She now has more time and energy to help her family heal and thrive. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do!
On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links:

Organize 365

The Sunday Basket ®

100 Day Home Organization Program



Paper Organizing Retreats

Direct download: Org365-JessicaE.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Today on the podcast, I want to teach you how I ditched my long to do lists and every single thing I ever want to do ends up on index cards (notecards). I have shared bits and pieces of my system in Instastories and on some of my Facebook lives before, but today I want to share the WHOLE system with you.  


Listen in to hear:

  1. How I used to make long to do lists on legal pads and filled up notebooks, and why that that NEVER worked for me.
  2. The DETAILS of the process I use to record each to do or thought I have on an index card. I’ll tell you what to write, where to put the index card, and how it is SO much more effective to make a non to do list to do list. (Say that 3 times fast!)
  3. How I go from all of those individual thoughts and index cards to a single index card with my daily plan.


If you are struggling to keep track of your many different to dos, if you keep finding old to do lists that never got done, or if you just want to improve your planning and productivity, this episode is for you! I have been able to make such incredible improvements in my productivity since I have switched to this system, and I want you to be able to do the same. 


And, if you STILL have unanswered questions after today, please send me an email and I might do a follow up episode. As a teacher, I know if one person ASKS a question, probably several of you had the same question! 


PS - I hope you were able to join me the week of November 11th for the Holiday Blitz. We looked at the memory filled time from Thanksgiving through New Years and identified our priorities. We planned ahead for where to spend our valuable time, money, and energy to best take care of ourselves and our families during this busiest time of the year. It’s not too late to join us and have your best holiday season yet. You can register to get your free printables. And, the Holiday Blitz videos are now available on the Organize 365 YouTube channel for FREE!

PPS - You can also follow me on Instagram to see how I use my index cards!

Direct download: Org365-310.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast!

Today, Diane A shares her journey of getting organized. Diane lives with her husband and three children (and two guinea pigs). Diane grew up with parents who saved EVERYTHING and shares how she was able to get her home organized in time to host a family reunion. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do!

On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links:

Organize 365

The Sunday Basket ®

100 Day Home Organization Program



Paper Organizing Retreats

Direct download: Org365-DianeA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Today on the podcast, I want to answer questions that have been submitted about how to get organized with ADHD for both adults and children. I do start with a review of different executive functions. I want to be sure you hear me clearly - no one has perfect executive functioning. So, I want to share different ways you can adjust your mindset and behaviors to make progress on your organization journey.

Here is my best hint: consistency beats everything. Simple things done consistently over time will result in real, lasting changes in your life, home, and organization. If you fall off the wagon, or break your streak, just start again. Keep going. 

I start with telling you about different medications, supplements, over the counter, and support techniques I use for myself and my children. One that was Joey’s favorites was Alpha Brain Supplements

Listen in as I answer the following questions:

  • How do you get a routine going when you can’t stay consistent? 
  • How do I not get so overwhelmed so that I do nothing?
  • How do I stay focused?
  • How do you overcome out of sight is out of mind?
  • I have a 14 year old girl who never sticks with a system. Everything is always disorganized!
  • How do you maintain everything in its place? That’s so boring!
  • How do you get started when you do not want to do it, and the project looks overwhelming?
  • I am consistently inconsistent. Help!
  • How would you organize a student with ADHD?
  • How do you stay on task? 
  • Where do you start when getting organized?
  • Kids’ spaces are always disorganized. What should I do?
  • I’m overwhelmed because I have a very messy space. How do you move forward when your brain shuts down?
  • How do I learn to delegate?

I teach some different ways to deal with these issues and help you along your organizational journey!

I love to answer your questions. If you have another topic or questions you would like to have me answer, please email me - lisa [at] organize365 [dot] com. 

Did you miss the Holiday Blitz? You are not too late! Head over to the Organize 365 Facebook group or IGTV to watch the videos from this week and download the printable workbook at

Direct download: Org365-309.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast as women just like you share their transformations along their organizing journey.

Today, Ryan L shares her journey of getting organized. Ryan has been following Organize 365 for a while. She shares her home with a husband (who travels a lot), 2 sons in high school (and occasionally sees the son in college), and 2 cats. Ryan is passionate about protecting the earth and shares quite a bit about her preference for buying used and ensuring her discards find appropriate homes. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do!

On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community.

If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

Direct download: Org365-RyanL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Recently, I’ve been talking about how learning to get organized is based in meeting different levels of needs and by being exposed to different teaching techniques. This week on the podcast, I want to move from theory to practice. I want to talk to you about some specific ways to fit organizational behaviors into your schedule. I want to move you beyond a certain way to fold shirts and, instead, help you to change your behavioral habits. These habits make up 80% of our actions everyday, and we must PLAN and WORK to create change.

Big change over time comes from changing little habits on a regular basis. When I teach, I think hearing about real people in real situations is super helpful in applying information. So, I answer your question about irregular, unpredictable schedules. I also answer a listener question about being in the accumulation and survival stages at the same time (and I talk about both time and your space for this question). A third question addresses being organized when working two jobs and going to school.

I will also send you back to some of my prior podcasts where I explore these changes in detail and give you much more information. Here are some other podcasts I have recorded that also help answer these questions and you can apply to working towards changing your habits and behaviors:

I hope this helps kick off some new habits for you! I would love to hear from you on Instagram or on Facebook

PS - If you are enjoying the Organize 365 Podcast, I'd appreciate it if you can leave a rating or review. It helps other people find us. 

Direct download: Org365-308.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast!

Stacy is the mom of 2 teenagers and AND 2 under 5 years old. She and her husband downsized from 2300 to 1400 square feet AND cleaned out 2 storage units. With little kids, she explains how she benefits from cycling through the 100 Day Program as her little kids keep growing and changing. She also shares how she was able to combine two households full of furniture and stuff by working through the 100 Day Program. AND, she shares about how she and her husband worked on getting organized together. She also shares her experience with the Kids Program if you want to hear some more about that! I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do!

On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links:

Organize 365

The Sunday Basket

100 Day Home Organization Program



Paper Organizing Retreats

Direct download: Org365-StacyW.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Last week, we talked about the ways in which you need to take care of your physical and safety needs before you can get organized. Today on the podcast, we will talk about how you actually learn the skills of organization. 

Edgar Dale was an educator who studied the different methods teachers used to deliver a lesson, and he quantified how much a student could be expected to recall based on the approach the teacher used. The way you get information directly affects how much you retain. The retention does vary by individual learner as well, so it is helpful to learn how YOU best learn. 

Lessons can be delivered as reading, hearing, seeing, video (hearing and seeing), saying (teaching back), and saying while doing (experiential learning). I share with you how I analyzed this information and applied it to different places I have taught - as a classroom teacher, as the Sunday Basket ® instructor, and as the owner of Organize 365 while onboarding new staff members.

Organization is a learnable skill. The only way you cannot get organized, is if I fail to teach you. My job is to figure out how to correctly teach the skills of organization. I am continually working to learn better ways to teach, motivate, inspire, and help you meet your goal of getting organized.   

I offer 3 different levels of courses in getting organized.

You can start with the Sunday Basket ®.

Then you can join the 100 Day Home Organization Program.

Finally, you can get your whole life organized in All Access

I continue to make improvements, enhancements, and additions to help you get organized. These programs work because we have included every single learning strategy that Edgar Dale recommended. And, if you need even more personalized help, you can find a Sunday Basket ® Certified Workshop Organizer near you.

Direct download: Org365-307.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT