Organize 365® Podcast

In today’s special Back to School Summit episode, I’m talking with Steph Fowler from Austin Fowler. Steph has four kids and became a business owner after having her kids and finding an unmet need in the marketplace. Today’s episode focuses on a question I love to ask other successful entrepreneurs who are balancing home and work - how do you do it?

How does Steph Fowler do it? Planning and organization!

Steph offers so many amazing insights into balancing a big family with lots of extracurriculars and growing a business. We discuss the importance of making the invisible work visible. She writes it all down! As do I. I’ve been telling you for years - WRITE IT DOWN. Start now - grab some notecards or a piece of paper and start writing down any errant thoughts or to-dos that pop into your head as you listen to this podcast! 

The best part of this podcast is that you get to hear about everything that’s in my wallet! If you are one of those people like me that’s always curious about how others’ organize their things, you’ll love the detailed conversation we have about how I personally use the Austin Fowler products for organization and productivity on-the-go!

Episode Resources:

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Direct download: 546_-_Back_to_School_Summit-_On_the_Go_with_Steph_from_Austin_Fowler.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

In today’s special Back to School Summit episode, I’m pleased to welcome Angela Watson back to the Organize 365® podcast! Angela has been on the podcast multiple times now. Angela spent 11 years as a classroom teacher and then created a truly life-changing course for Teachers called the 40-Hour Teacher Workweek. She’s also the host of her own podcast, Truth for Teachers.

We hope all the teachers out there will listen to this episode as it is a hug from Angela and I to you! We understand better than most that teachers LOVE to teach. It’s a calling as much as it is a profession.

Even if you’re not a teacher, this episode is for you! Angela and I dive into planning and have lots of inspiration and tips to share about how to make the most of your days. We discuss how a really good plan actually frees you up to be more creative. Planning doesn’t box you in. It helps you maximize your time, but you have to find a planning system that works for you.

Planning isn’t one-size fits all. Angela and I encourage you through this podcast to listen and learn from many people when it comes to creating a planning system for yourself. Take what works for you and adapt it to your own planning system. Then maintain your planning. Angela has a great analogy for how planning is like gardening. You don’t just plant your seeds then you’re done. You have to keep checking them, watering them, figure out what’s not working and make adjustments. I guess it’s true that life’s a garden!

Listen in and learn how you can plan in the most worthwhile way for you. Learn to plan this summer so you will be ready to run when the most productive 10 weeks of the year come around this fall (from Labor Day until the second week of November).

What can you do this summer that will help you run farther faster this fall?

Episode Resources:

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In today’s special Back to School Summit episode, I’m talking with Cas Aarsen from Clutterbug! Cas has three children and is also growing a company! As we enjoy our summers, we also want to take advantage of this time to set ourselves and our family up for success this fall. 

Cas and I agree that the more you LEARN to be organized and productive, the more you’re able to show up in all areas of your life.

Part of that learning process is discovering what type of organization works best for you and your family. Cas offers a free quiz that allows you to find out what kinds of organizational systems and approaches would work best for you! She calls them her Clutterbugs! I love it!

We discuss how important it is to find out what your Clutterbug type is and also how much time, capacity and where you are in the organizing cycle. Organize 365® offers a free quiz that is very complimentary to the Clutterbug quiz. Once you find out your Clutterbug type, the Organize 365® quiz can empower you to pinpoint why you are ready to get organized, how much time you have to commit to getting organized in a sustainable way and where you are in the organizing cycle.

There are SO many great tips in this podcast! Enjoy and I hope it empowers you to think forward toward how you want your fall and/or school year to be organized, productive and less stressful this year!

Episode Resources:

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In today’s special Back to School Summit episode, I’m talking with Sarah Hart-Unger about PLANNING. I love planning and so does Sarah. We both attribute planning to our success. There’s so much value in thinking about your time in a concrete way and that is what planning allows you.

Sarah is the host of the Best Laid Plans Podcast, co-host of the podcast Best of Both Worlds with Laura Vanderkam, mother of three children, and a pediatric endocrinologist. So needless to say, she has a lot on her plate. Organization and planning are a big part of her ability to do so much!

In this episode, we dive into how to use planning as a tool in your arsenal as you head into fall and back to school. We also discuss planning as it pertains to your kids! Kids like to know and have a plan also.

Episode Resources:

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Direct download: 542_-_Back_to_School_Summer_Summit_-_Planning_with_Sarah_Hart-Unger.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

Have you ever been looking for something so hard that you miss it? Of course you have. That’s why we have so many idioms for this exact situation, like “If it’d been a snake it would have bit you.” You tear your house apart looking for the glasses that are literally on your head (guilty). You get frustrated at everyone in your house for losing your car keys that are still in the car. 

Often what we are searching for is right under our nose. Perhaps it’s been there longer than we realize.

Today on the podcast, I reflect on my personal history and how it has uniquely shaped who I am and where I am today.

I love sharing my story with all of you and I reflect on this not because I want to tell my story. I want you to see that my unique gift and passion for being the CEO of Organize 365® runs deep. Just like I know there’s something that runs deep in you, too. Picture yourself from the 50,000 foot point of view, then take inventory of your life and your story. You’ll quickly realize that your “something” has been right under your nose the entire time. 

Sometimes we can’t see the forest through the trees. We are so focused on the details of our life that we don’t see the bigger picture. In my business and my life, I give myself permission all the time to dream. I literally schedule this time into my schedule. When you listen to today’s podcast, I am giving you permission to dream. Think back to your upbringing, your life, the experiences you have sought out - everything is so close to you that you may not even see it. Think, dream, and take inventory of your unique personal history.

Your story isn’t done yet. Neither is mine. I’m pursuing a PhD and learning that Organize 365® is growing in different ways than I ever imagined. I’m paving my own paths and writing my own story. Your story is also still in the making. In this podcast I encourage you to look at all the puzzle pieces of your life up until now and let’s start to put them together to help you discover your unique purpose.

  • What are the things that you understand better than anyone?
  • What is the thing you would sit down on the internet and research for hours?
  • What is keeping you from taking the next step in pursuing your unique purpose?

Whatever you’re dreaming about, I'm here to encourage you to take the next step. Whatever it is…do it. Believe you can do it - because believing in yourself is NOT optional. Give yourself permission to dream it and do it!

This is such a fun episode. I hope during this episode you free up your mind for your own story. In order to save you some time googling - here’s the link to the infamous Longaberger Basket Building! Listen in to find out how this ties in!

If you’ve forgotten how to dream or you’re not even sure where to begin, I’ve created the Embrace experience for you. 


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Direct download: 541_-_The_Uniqueness_of_Your_Personal_History.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365­® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too!

In this episode, I introduce you to Katelyn S. In this can’t miss interview, you will get to hear how Katelyn went from a self-described borderline hoarder to being ready to move with just two suitcases (one dedicated to her Organize 365® products) halfway around the world! 

Katelyn’s transformation brings tears to my eyes. She absolutely embodies the Organize 365® mission, visions and values. When I started Organize 365®, I wanted to have a positive impact on helping people become organized so they can do what they are uniquely created to do and when you hear Katelyn’s story - you will hear how organization freed up her time and mind to do exactly that. 

Listen in to find out where Katelyn is headed and why! She has some exciting adventures ahead of her.


I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

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Direct download: Transformation_with_Katelyn_S.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

In past years I’ve proclaimed, “I don’t know what Embrace is. Just do it.” 

Today on the podcast, I’m coming clean. I DO know what Embrace is. I’ve just been scared to say it. But I need to. I want to help you unpack what you are uniquely created to do. It’s an evolution, but the sooner you leave fear in the rearview mirror and you take that first step, the sooner you’ll be closer to what you are uniquely created to do.

This podcast episode takes me out of my comfort zone. I am coming out of hiding and I’m here to tell you - I do know what Embrace is. I know exactly what it is. I created it and I have carefully orchestrated every aspect of it. Embrace is an embodiment of my unique gift. My ability to tell the story of your life and help you get lost in dreaming of what could be so you can make it happen.

Let’s look at it this way: if you are getting ready to list your house for sale, a realtor will tell you to take down all the photos and tchotchkes so that other people can picture themselves living in the house. When you are listening to my podcast, I try to create a conversation where you are able to get lost in your own life. You are able to apply whatever I am talking about to your situation - yourself, your home, your family, your work.

For as long as I can remember, I have been putting together the puzzle pieces of what it is to be a female head of household in today’s society. My lifelong pursuit is to figure out who I am and who you are and how that relates to the many other roles we have. When I created Embrace (it was an evolution as well - hear the complete history of Embrace in today’s episode), I wanted to create a completely unique two-day experience to immerse women in the musical of their life. And that’s what Embrace is. It is the musical of your life. It is about you and it is a uniquely “Lisa” experience designed to help you understand and create a vision for how you can get to self-actualization with the life that you have. YES! Your life. Your current life. Not someone on social media’s life. Not your life if you didn’t have kids or weren’t caretaking for a loved one. Not your life if you had more money or more time. Your life. Today. As it is.

Ahhh. It feels SO good to finally speak this into my beloved podcast microphone. I DO know what Embrace is and you still should just do it! 

Learn more about Embrace.

I created Embrace for you. I’m cheering you on as you embark on this journey to what you are uniquely created to do.


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Direct download: 540_-_How_Do_You_Embrace_Your_Unique_Purpose_As_an_Adult.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365­® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too!

In this episode, I introduce you to Rhonda H. Her Organize 365® journey began when her cousin (who is like a sister to her) sent her the Sunday Basket® Podcast Playlist. She binged the podcast and tried to DIY her own Sunday Basket®, but quickly realized (like so many others) there’s no substitute for the real deal.

As a homeschool mom to four children, she didn’t stop at The Sunday Basket®; she took her organizational journey through all the available resources at Organize 365®. She had tried many things to get organized and some of them worked as quick fixes, but the Organize 365® approach is where she finally found her organizational transformation. By learning the skill of organizing, she was able to maintain the organization for the first time ever.

Why do we pretend we can get organized in a weekend? You can’t get into better health in a weekend. You can’t get out of debt in a weekend. And you can’t get organized in a weekend either. It’s a journey and I’m so excited to have Rhonda joining me on the podcast today to share her journey. Listen to the end to hear how she is now sharing her unique gift with others through Organize 365®!


I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

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Direct download: Transformation_with_Rhonda_H.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

This episode is all about organizing your finances. What I’ve found is that organizing your finances isn’t just about money. The Paper Solution® Financial Binder will guide you through your files, computer and the information inside your head needed to create a complete financial binder and estate plan.

As difficult as it is to think about and even talk about - you are most likely going to settle an estate someday (you may have already).Your estate will also need to be settled. The Financial Binder was created out of my own experience with settling my dad’s estate. Your life is different after you’ve settled an estate. This binder makes it as painless as possible for you to get your own financial records in place and you can also use this to help your loved ones.

Listen in as I outline the four things you need to organize your finances. There is so much invisible work that needs to be made visible when it comes to our finances and estate planning.

Every The Paper Solution® Binder includes a fully curated workbook. The Financial Binder’s workbook includes:

  • Financial prep sheet
  • Family information sheets
  • Personal documents and contacts
  • Financial advisor information
  • Insurance policy information
  • Safe deposit box inventory
  • Financial account inventory
  • Debts and loans record
  • Credit card inventory
  • Bill payment records
  • Gift cards and reward tracking
  • Travel rewards
  • Retirement benefits
  • Household inventory


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Direct download: 539_-_Organizing_Your_Household_Finances-_Files_Related_to_Money.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365­® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too!

In this episode, I’m delighted to introduce you to Jennifer L. She's a substitute teacher, caregiver to her grandmother and living with ADHD. As you’ll hear in this interview, she’s balancing A LOT of things. She’s implemented the Sunday Basket® and I have some additional suggestions for her to help her lighten her mental load.. 

  • How to process through screenshots on your phone as part of your Sunday Basket® routine 
  • Organizational solutions that work well for those with ADHD
  • Caregiving
  • Finding your unique purpose

Listen to end to hear how Jennifer L. has started to dream bigger for herself and embrace her unique purpose. It’s truly inspirational.


I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!

Direct download: Transformation_with_Jennifer_L.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

Why do we put off organizing our medical records? Medical emergencies happen. The more prepared and organized you are, the better care you will receive. The Paper Solution® Medical Binder will allow your loved ones to advocate on your behalf with ease and decisions will be made faster.

In this episode we do a deep dive into:

  1. What it means to organize your medical records and health
  2. What health & medical information do you need to have and where do you find it
  3. How to organize medical information for others - loved ones and children
  4. Best practices for managing medical records
  5. Viewing your medical history from a macro and micro level
  6. How to support yourself when you are in the caregiving role

Every The Paper Solution® Binder includes a fully curated workbook. The Medical Binder’s workbook includes:

  • Family information sheet
  • Medical information summary
  • Medical & health history
  • Family medical history
  • Doctor information
  • Diagnosis tracker
  • Allergy tracker
  • Medication tracker
  • Lab results
  • Hospitalization & surgery history
  • Doctor appointment tracker
  • Milestone checklist
  • Immunization record


Don’t wait to organize your medical and health records. Our health is something we often take for granted when we have it and wish we had it back when we don’t have it. Be prepared. Make the binder for you and your loved ones. This is the best way to support your future self!

Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!

Direct download: 538_-Organizing_Your_Medical_Records-_Files_Related_to_Health_Updated.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT