Organize 365® Podcast

Today, I want to share with you about my new CEO home office. I’ll be sharing the video of this process in the 100 Day Home Organization Program Facebook Group. 

I share my dream home office, command center, launch pad - a place where everything I want is readily accessible in one space. I want a place to run my household - a dedicated space separate from the planning desk typically found in the kitchen. I have always wanted a place to have to plan and direct everything that happens in my household - a place for my Sunday Basket®, bill paying, processing paper, planning meals, crafting, and mending not related to income producing work. 

I’m definitely not moving to a new home, and our family is changing. But, I’ve been dreaming about changes we can make to our home right now. In the podcast, I tell you about some changes I want to make to our storage spaces and how I’ll move those things into our actual living spaces to enjoy. I also will share how I am planning to update some other rooms to make them more functional. I am planning for about the next three years or so.

I share my thoughts about how I am analyzing how we use our space, the way our family and home is changing, and how I can adapt to the life we are living. In this season of life, becoming a grandma, owning a business, traveling for the book tour, and simplifying, I want you to understand how I think about adapting our living space, so you can figure out how to best use your home. Be sure to check out the video if you’re a member of the 100 Day Facebook Group!

Direct download: Org365-416.mp3
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