Organize 365® Podcast

Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast!

Today, Amelia L shares her journey of getting organized.  Amelia has been married for 17 years and has five kids. She helped to care for her mother after she had an injury and is also beginning to homeschool one of her children. Amelia stays at home full time and shares many twists and turns along her journey towards getting organized. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do!

On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links:

Organize 365

The Sunday Basket ®

100 Day Home Organization Program



Paper Organizing Retreats

I look forward to helping YOU get organized!

Direct download: Org365-AmeliaL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

As you go deeper into your organizing journey, you will find that things are empty. You may find empty shelves, empty cabinets, and empty space on your calendar. As you look for something to fill these spaces, you should consider the different kinds of human needs that benefit from being addressed. Maslow’s theory looks at these different kinds of needs as a pyramid, and I have found benefit from spending extra time and energy on each level at different times. 

I love to learn new things and apply them to the process of getting organized. Today, I want to introduce you to Abraham Maslow and his theory about the hierarchy of needs.

In the podcast, I explain and apply the 5 levels of human needs to different phases of the year and unexpected events. I explain how these different kinds of needs change as our lives cycle through different seasons. I want to help you spend more time in the highest levels so that you can live out your unique gift and share it with the world. 


Finally, I share how Planning Day before each new round of the 100 Day Home Organization Program helps you to review and revise how you will meet each level of need during the upcoming trimester. I want to help you move to a mindset where you can pursue your personal esteem and self-actualization needs without guilt. 


Understanding where you are in your organizational journey will help you take the next right step for you. Tag me in your Instagram post and tell me what your next step is!

Direct download: Org365-306.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast!

Today, Anna G shares her story of getting organized. She lost her mom to cancer in 2013, right when her first child is born. She grew up with lots of stuff, and it took a while for her to find her organizing groove. As her kids grow up, she is regularly evaluating and re-organizing the house. We celebrate her progress, not perfection today. She also shares her experience with the Kids Program if you want to hear some more about that! I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do!

On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links:

Organize 365

The Sunday Basket

100 Day Home Organization Program



Paper Organizing Retreats

Direct download: Org365-AnnaG.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Today on the podcast, I want to share with you how I stay calm in chaos. I recently experienced two major unexpected events. One was an emergency, the other was not. However, they both happened at the same time and required me to completely rearrange my schedule.

When the unexpected happens, your priorities often shift quickly. Being organized and having time to think through how to deal with unexpected events has helped me change how I approach chaotic situations. Not every unexpected event or situation is fixable, but being organized means there is more margin to think and decide before reacting.

When I was disorganized, I had many tasks and projects crying out for my attention. I also often felt sorry for myself and I looked for more attention by complaining. As I got organized, I learned how to be a better problem solver. I also was able to shift my focus so I work deeper and faster on fewer active projects. 

This podcast will show you how I changed my mindset, and will give you some ideas for changing yours. I hope I can help you move from reactive to proactive and to find the margin that comes from a more organized life.

Direct download: Org365-305.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast!

Today, Rachel M shares her journey of getting organized. Rachel M was widowed 3 years ago and continues to raise her 2 teenagers. She’s a rebel  updating her home to reflect her current family arrangement. She’s in school working on her paralegal training and figuring out life as a single mom. She also shares her meal planning ideas for visually focused people. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do!

On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links:

Organize 365

The Sunday Basket

100 Day Home Organization Program



Paper Organizing Retreats

I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

Direct download: Org365-RachelM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast!
Jennifer B is a woman who has worked outside the home and then stayed home with her children. She is moving towards an empty next and redesigning an updated home for her next phase of life. She has recently lost her father and dealt with his lifetime of accumulated research. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do!
On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at 

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links:

Organize 365

The Sunday Basket

100 Day Home Organization Program



Paper Organizing Retreats

I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

Direct download: Org365-JenniferB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

For today’s podcast, I want to bring you a new way of looking at personal growth. I believe strongly in helping all women find what they are uniquely created to do. I am not about pursuing a vision of perfection, but I DO want you to look at your habits, decisions, and goals. I want you to get your home and paper organized so you have the capacity to pursue your own unique purpose.

This podcast looks at the evolution of my desk and office as a way to share how I have experienced growth and change in my own life. I have had many different roles as a woman, and the different desks that I have used as I run the business of Organize 365 have changed with me. 

I share the practical and tactical decisions and changes I have made in my desks as my life has changed. As a business woman, I think sharing the real story of how I have grown this business can be helpful to you as you face changes in your own life. Listen in as I share where I have been, where I am going, and how YOU can take the next steps to change your own life.

Just for fun, if you want to see a VERY OLD post and pictures about how my desk has grown and changed, you can find it here

Direct download: Org365-303.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast!

Today, Michele V shares her journey of getting organized. She is a high school teacher in Wisconsin. She lives alone in a house, and has customized the 100 Day Home Organization Program to her life and schedule. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do!
On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links:

Organize 365

The Sunday Basket

100 Day Home Organization Program



Paper Organizing Retreats

I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!

Direct download: Org365-MicheleV.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT