Fri, 20 November 2015
Today I'm answering a reader question, how can you organize two households and one? This response has been long overdue and I'm happy to go through how you organize combining two households into one. On the podcast I talk about the different things to consider when you are melding two households with children and those without children.
Fri, 13 November 2015
I am answering a reader question today about how I organize projects. In this podcast I talk about organizing projects in your Sunday basket. Organizing projects for your work. And how I organize my goals.
Fri, 6 November 2015
On the podcast today I'm sharing another heavy topic. There is a reason why the homes of parents of children with special needs are disorganized. In this podcast I go through the five stages I have observed parents with special needs children go through. You can read the complete post here:
Direct download: Org365ChallengesofOrganizingSpecialNeedsChildren.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT |