Fri, 17 July 2020
Brace yourself - I want you to think about your house in way unlike you have ever thought about your house before. I want to challenge all of us to change from how we think we should live in our homes, and embrace how we are actually living in our homes. I am hoping we will not be forced to stay safe at home again, but I want us to be prepared. As women, we often feel like when people come into our homes that we are being judged and graded. Most women I have spoken with have felt this way at some point in their lives. We take pride in having a clean and hospitable home, but we are often short in time and money to make that a reality. I want to help you make some mindset shifts for living in this pandemic. Walk through your house with index cards or a note pad. Stop in each zone and make notes about what worked and what did not. I share with you some of the thinking I did about my own house and family. Walk through your house with index cards or a note pad. Stop in each zone and make notes about what worked and what did not. I share with you some of the thinking I did about my own house and family. For example, everyone in the home needs a place to work, alone space, passion projects, and adequate technology. I also share some changes you can consider making to the spaces in your home. You can make new rules. You can change how you are using your spaces. I'd love to hear from you in our Facebook community if you are using spaces in new or unusual ways. Mentioned in the podcast: |