Organize 365® Podcast

Once you have streamlined and moved most of your household tasks to large chunks of time in your calendar, you can now start to use 5 minute snippets of time to knock off some of the repetitive routine tasks on your list. This opens up more valuable chunks of time to get done bigger - and more valuable - projects. 

I know it sounds kind of counterintuitive, but if you are always doing little tasks here and there, you never feel done. If you have a 4-hour time block set aside to do those tasks and can knock 30 minutes off during the week through six 5-minute chunks, you feel accomplished and organized!
Here are twenty tasks I do in 5-minute pockets of time to get you started thinking about what your twenty tasks will be:
  • Start a load of laundry
  • Empty the dishwasher
  • Fold a load of laundry
  • Clean off the kitchen counter
  • Do the dishes
  • Clean out a shelf in the pantry
  • Empty all the trash cans
  • Pick up toys in the family room
  • Collect all the towels and start the laundry
  • Vacuum a room
  • Delete email and voicemail from your phone
  • Change your furnace filter
  • Take items up or downstairs
  • Go through your mail and open it all
  • Write a thank you note
  • Book a doctor appointment
  • Refill soap dispensers
  • Clean out 1 drawer
  • Shred paper
  • Put 10 things away
Use those minutes you spend talking on the phone or waiting for people knocking off your repetitive tasks!


Direct download: Org365-119.mp3
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